The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled continuously in spring since 1969. The four stations are representative for the different benthic communities in the German Bight. Inter-annual variability and possible long-term trends were analysed based on spring-time samples since 1969. Macrozoobenthos of soft-bottom benthic community was collected by van-Veen grabs. Data for each campaign comprise four stations in the German Bight, sampled by grab samples (infauna). Biodiversity data of species include abundance (count data) and biomass (wet mass, g) per sample. The data is also available in a PostgreSQL-based data warehouse that can be accessed and queried through an open-access frontend web service at by searching for the data sets "LTER_Benthos". Earlier datasets covering the years 1969-2000 have been published in the publication series