Survey mode GPS data in the West Pamir, Tajikistan, Central Asia, 2013-2016


We have installed 20 new Global Positioning System (GPS) markers in the West Pamir and the Tajik Depression and measured 25 markers once a year between 2013 and 2016 in survey mode. The stations are positioned along two dense NW-SE oriented profiles with an average spacing of 5-10 km. The profiles cross the Darvaz and the Vakhsh/Ilyak fault and thus monitor the recent slip of these two profiles, which are expected to accommodate the gravity-driven westward extrusion of the West Pamir into the Tajik Depression. Some of the stations include millimeter to centimeter offsets potentially caused by the 2015 Mw7.2 Sarez, Pamir, earthquake.

The markers are 100 mm long stainless steel rods of 8 mm diameter drilled and glued into the ground. Marker positions were measured for nearly 48 hrs per measurement at a sampling rate of 30 s. The data were always acquired in autumn (September to November) to minimize seasonal signal contributions. We used a Trimble R7 receiver and a Trimble Geodetic Zephyr Model 1 (TRM41249.00) antenna on a leveled spike mount with a fixed height of 12.2 cm. The antenna cable plug was oriented towards North whenever possible. Metadata regarding the measurement conditions were archived on paper log sheets. Trimble's proprietary data was converted to ASCII-files using the Trimble software "runpkr00", and then into exchangeable RINEX data using the software "TEQC" (, which can be downloaded from the UNAVCO webpage. Finally, mandatory metadata - e.g. antenna and receiver types, marker names, antenna offsets - were added to the header information of the RINEX files. The resulting data presented herein include daily observations in RINEX format. These are organized in yearly and daily folders ("2019-007_Metzger-et-al_data/daily/YYYY/DDD"). Further documentation is found in the folder "2019-007_Metzger-et-al_documentation" and includes the technical reports ("TechnicalReport20YY.pdf") with additional details regarding the installation and remeasurement of the network, waypoint descriptions ("WaypointDescriptions.pdf"), technical aspects of the GPS antenna ("antenna_TRM41249_00.gif"), logsheets documenting additional data acquisition information ("logsheets") as well as example pictures taken during data acquistion ("photo_examples").

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Metzger, Sabrina ORCID logo; Ischuk, Anatoly ORCID logo; Akhmedov, Akram; Ilyasova, Zukhrah; Moreno, Marcos ORCID logo; Murodkulov, Shohruhk; Deng, Zhiguo ORCID logo
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Metzger, Sabrina; Ischuk, Anatoly; Akhmedov, Akram; Ilyasova, Zukhrah; Moreno, Marcos; Murodkulov, Shohruhk; Deng, Zhiguo; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Academy of Sciences, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Publication Year 2019
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact Deng, Zhiguo (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream
Size 2 Files
Discipline Geosciences
Spatial Coverage (68.000W, 36.500S, 75.000E, 41.000N); West Pamir, Central Asia, 2007-2016
Temporal Coverage /2