Basic and other measurements of radiation at station Gobabeb (2012-11)


In Gobabeb, Namibia SWD, LWD and DIR are each measured redundant with two instruments of the same make (not in this data base). The differences between the pairs are used in the quality control. This is done manually by inspecting plots of half-day diurnal courses of the pairs and their differences. Values are removed mostly in the morning due to daily cleaning. Other reasons for larger differences are birds, insects, or people at the station. There are regular fog events varying in frequency over the year. Usually, the fog appears in the second half of the night and disappears a few hours after sunrise. The case temperatures of pyrgeometers practically never drop below dewpoint but there can be water deposition of the dome.

MAINTENANCE The tracker site is checked on a daily basis usually between 6 and 7 UTC. Instruments are visually inspected and cleaned if necessary. QUALITY CONTROL IN GENERAL SWdn, LWdn and DN are each measured redundant with two instruments of the same make (SWdnred, LWdnred, DNred, not in BSRN data base). The differences between the pairs are used to flag erroneous values. This is done manually by inspecting plots of half-day diurnal courses of the pairs and their differences. Values are flagged mostly in the morning due to daily cleaning. Other reasons for larger differences are birds, bird deposits (seldom), or people at the station. Individual causes for flags are not reported unless the flag length is substantial and the cause is known. There are regular fog events varying in frequency over the year. Usually the fog appears in the second half of the night and disappears a few hours after sunrise. The case temperatures of pyrgeometers practically never drop below dewpoint but there can be water deposition of the dome. There are regular fog events varying in frequency over the year. Usually the fog appears in the second half of the night and disappears a few hours after sunrise. The case temperatures of pyrgeometers practically never drop below dewpoint but there can be water deposition of the dome. Drying of wet pyrgeometer domes now indicated with a *. GRAPHICAL QC SWdn minus SWdnred typically negative with amplitudes up to 20 W/m2. On Nov 9 to 11 differences up to -40 W/m2 during high sun elevations. The diurnal courses have in general steeper shape. The differences SWdn minus (DI+SWdif) and SWdnred minus (DI+SWdif) indicates that SWdn is responsible for these steeper shapes, i.e. the values are smaller. DN minus DNred typically positive with amplitudes from 5 to 10 W/m2. From Nov 12 to 17 differences occur from 12 to 20 W/m2. Several days with fog (1-4, 7-11, 15).

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Metadata Access
Creator Vogt, Roland
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Meteorology Climatology Remote Sensing, Dep. Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Basel
Publication Year 2013
Rights Baseline Surface Radiation Network License 1.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 357779 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (15.042 LON, -23.561 LAT); Namib Desert, Namibia
Temporal Coverage Begin 2012-11-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2012-11-30T23:59:00Z