This data was collected to evaluate the effect of element size, element
positions, relative source pressure variations, and electrical crosstalk on the
accuracy of modelling pressure fields generated by a 555 kHz 32-element
ultrasonic array.
The transducer was assembled from 32 individual 3mm diameter plane
circular piezo-ceramic elements (XDR107, Sonic Concepts, Bothell, WA) arranged
in a pseudorandom configuration in a three-dimensional (3D) printed spherical
cap holder, with radius of curvature 80mm and aperture diameter 70 mm.
Measurements were performed with a 0.2 mm PVDF needle hydrophone
(Precision Acoustics) to characterise the source under quasi steady state
conditions (35 cycle burst).
All measurements were acquired using an automated scanning
tank filled with degassed, deionised water. The transducer was mounted in a
fixed xyz position. Hydrophones were mounted on an automated xyz stage, with
manual tilt, rotate adjustment.
Planar scans in the prefocal region were obtained to charaterise the
source under 3 driving conditions: with all elements driven with equal
amplitude and phase, with phase corrections applied which were obtained from
hydrophone measurements at the geometric focus position, and with these
corrections plus further geometrically calculated phase offsets to steer the
array focus to x = 20 mm, y = -20 mm. A further set of line scans passing
through the focus was obtained for the equalised unsteered case, focal steering
to x = -20 mm y = 20 mm, and 8 further steered focal positions.
In total, this study contains 33 datasets contained in 1 file, the
corresponding figure or table in the paper is given in brackets.
Planar scan at 56 mm, unsteered without phase
Planar scan at 56 mm, unsteered with phase
corrections from hydrophone measurements at geometric focus (Fig 1)
X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, unsteered
with phase corrections
- Planar scan at 50 mm, with phase corrections
- steered to x = 20 mm, y = 20 mm
7-9 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with phase
corrections + steered to x = 20 mm, y = 20 mm
10-12 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to z = 100 mm (Fig 2a)
13-15 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to z = 70 mm
16-18 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to x = 5 mm
19-21 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to x = 10 mm
22-24 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to x = 20 mm (Fig 2b)
25-27 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to x = 40 mm (Fig 2c)
28-30 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to y = -10 mm
31-33 X,Y,Z line scans through the focus, with
phase corrections + steered to x = 10 mm, y = -10