The Digital Earth Flood Event Explorer supports geoscientists and experts to analyse flood events along the process cascade event generation, evolution and impact across atmospheric, terrestrial, and marine disciplines. It applies the concept of scientific workflows and the component-based Data Analytics Software Framework (DASF, Eggert and Dransch, 2021) to an exemplary showcase. It aims at answering the following geoscientific questions:
- How does precipitation change over the course of the 21st century under different climate scenarios over a certain region?
- What are the main hydro-meteorological controls of a specific flood event?
- What are useful indicators to assess socio-economic flood impacts?
- How do flood events impact the marine environment?
- What are the best monitoring sites for upcoming flood events?
The Flood Event Explorer developed scientific workflows for each geoscientific question providing enhanced analysis methods from statistics, machine learning, and visual data exploration that are implemented in different languages and software environments, and that access data form a variety of distributed databases. The collaborating scientists are from different Helmholtz research centers and belong to different scientific fields such as hydrology, climate-, marine-, and environmental science, and computer- and data science. It is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association through the Digital Earth project (
Copyright 2022 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany / DE Flood Event Explorer
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