The ternary rare-earth compounds REInCu4 show strong indications of frustration resulting in a very low AF ordering temperature of the rare earth moments. The crystal structure with rare-earth ions on a face-centered cubic lattice, is prone to geometrical frustration. Isostructural HoCdCu4 shows a strongly increased Neel temperature with no signs of frustration. It exhibits AF order with a propagation vector k = (1/2 1/2 1/2) and an ord. moment of 9.5muB, while HoInCu4 orders with k = (1/2 1 0) and a reduced moment of only 4.5muB. Powder neutron diffraction on HoInC4 reveals that above TN magnetic correlations with k = (1 0 0) are dominating despite the ordering wave vector k = (1/2 1 0). We now would like to study the anisotropic magnetic correlations in HoInCu4 single crystals below and above TN. Recording intensity maps of reciprocal space on the flat-cone diffractometer E2 will allow to directly observe the anisotropic magnetic correlations in HoInCu4.