With the Crime Victim Survey we want to estimate the share of crime victims in Slovenia. We record the share of victims of crime in Slovenia independently from incidents officially recorded by the police or by any other institution. The respondents are asked whether they experienced any of the stated incidents in the last five years and, if they did, how often in the last year before the survey. In connection with several, most indicative incidents, the survey further explores some additional information: where did it happen, who was the perpetrator, how serious was the incident for them or for their households, and also, had any specialised agency for victim assistance helped them, or, if not, would such help be welcome. The survey also includes important questions about (non-)reporting the incident to the police. All respondents are further asked about general assessments of the police performance, about visibility of the police, about indicators of fear of crime, about means of protection of persons and property/crime prevention and about punitive attitudes.
Probability: Stratified: DisproportionalProbability.Stratified.Disproportional
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI