In view of the interesting magnetic properties observed in CeTSi3 (T=Pt and Pd) and superconductivity in LaPdSi3 (TSC= 2.6 K), as well as the theoretical interest in non-centrosymetric superconductors, we propose to carry out detailed µSR measurements on these compounds. The proposed study will give direct information on the nature of low energy spin dynamics and magnetism in CeTSi3 (T=Pt and Pd) as well as superconducting properties such as London penetration depth, coherence length and critical field, which will allow us to calculate the superconducting carrier density and carrier effective mass of LaPdSi3. Further zero-field muSR measurements above and below TSC will provide direct information on whether the time reversal symmetry is broken or not and the the transverse field relaxation rate of the superconducting phase will provide information on the mechanism of electron pairing.