The Global Coastal Permeability Database (CoPerm) contains both the input and output data of the Global Coastal Permeability Model developed by Tschaikowski (2024, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438737). The model assigns the coastal permeability for each shoreline segment of the global shoreline vector created by Roger Sayre (2023, doi:10.5066/P91ZCSGM) with a 30-meter resolution and covering a spatial extent of 180.0°W to 180.0°E longitude and 60.8°S to 83.7°N latitude. The coastline is separated into three sections (A: coastal aquifer, B: immediate shoreline, C: shallow seafloor); permeability values and ranges are provided for each section. Permeability values were derived by categorizing each shoreline segment into a permeability class and assigning corresponding values and ranges based on input parameters and decision trees (Moosdorf et al., submitted). The input parameters were obtained from 14 global datasets, which were merged in GIS as features to each shoreline segment. The merging techniques are described in detail in the provided technical appendix.
Data from the Ocean Data Viewer by the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC),, used with permission.