The agrometeorological weather station Dedelow was installed in 1991 by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. and is managed by the research station of ZALF in Dedelow. The station is located within the municipality Dedelow, district Uckermark, state Brandenburg, Germany. Altitude in meter: 49 NN, Geographic latitude: 53,3665 N, Geographic longitude: 13,8030 E,Type: FMA 86. In 1991, data have been collected for: soil temperature in 20cm depth (°C); global radiation (J/cm²); relative humidity (%); air temperature, 20cm above ground (°C); air temperature, 2m above ground (°C); precipitation (mm); wind velocity (m/s); evaporation (mm). Data are saved by the logger of the station and are automatically transferred onto a PC which uses the Software MeteoWare Pro 1.02.