Version information
Major review of medication annotations by two physicians with improved IAA scores
Fixed minor relation annotation bugs
Fixed minor section annotation bugs
Unified corpus format to UIMA CAS (XML 1.1)
Removed CARDIO:DE_EXP. Now all annotations available in CARDIO:DE
(Previous version: CARDIO:DE 1.01)
We present CARDIO:DE, the first freely available and distributable large German clinical corpus from the cardiovascular domain. CARDIO:DE encompasses 500 clinical routine German doctor’s letters from Heidelberg University Hospital, which were manually annotated. Our prospective study design complies well with current data protection regulations and allows us to keep the original structure of clinical documents consistent. In order to ease access to our corpus, we manually de-identified all letters. To enable various information extraction tasks the temporal information in the documents was preserved. We added two high-quality manual annotation layers to CARDIO:DE, (1) medication information and (2) CDA-compliant section classes. To the best of our knowledge, CARDIO:DE is the first freely available and distributable German clinical corpus in the cardiovascular domain. In summary, our corpus offers unique opportunities for collaborative and reproducible research on natural language processing models for German clinical texts.
If you make use of the corpus, please cite the following resource:
Richter-Pechanski, P. et al. CARDIO:DE. heiData (2022).
If you cite the related manuscript published at Scientific Data, please cite:
Richter-Pechanski, P., Wiesenbach, P., Schwab, D.M. et al. A distributable German clinical corpus containing cardiovascular clinical routine doctor’s letters. Sci Data 10, 207 (2023).
CARDIO:DE contains manual gold standard annotations of:
medication information (ActiveIng, Dosage, Drug, Duration, Form, Frequency, Reason, Route, Strength)
section types (Abschluss, Anamnese, Anrede, Diagnosen, AufnahmeMedikation, Befunde, EchoBefunde, AktuellDiagnosen,
EntlassMedikation, KuBefunde, Labor, Mix, AllergienUnverträglichkeitenRisiken, Zusammenfassung)
Information about how to access the data, see Terms -> Terms of Use section.