The data set contains mineral chemical analyses of 32 rare earth element (REE) -bearing minerals (REMin) and rare-earth oxides (REO) and their corresponding hyperspectral spectra. The hyperspectral data was acquired with the HySpex system in a range of 400 – 2500 nm and is presented in a spectral library. The resulting reflectance data are scaled from 0 - 10000. The two Rare Earth Element (REE) libraries consist of the spectra of 16 rare earth oxides powders (REO) and 14 REE-bearing minerals (REMin). In addition, it contains the spectra of niobium- and tantalum oxide, two elements technically not part of the REEs. The spectral library presented here is part of a bigger collection of spectral libraries including copper-bearing surface samples from Apliki copper-gold-pyrite mine (Koerting et al., 2019a, and copper-bearing minerals (Koellner et al., 2019, These libraries aim to give a spectral overview of important resources and ore mineralization.
Version 2.0 (21 December 2020): completely restructured Technical Report and data files according to the review recommendations of the related article in Earth System Science Data (ESSD).
• New title of the data publication
• Spectral library "GFZ_HySpex_REMin" -> typo correction of the spectral names in the ENVI-standard + .hdr file and the .txt file
• addition of spectra names in the table that lists the sample info
• reorganisation of the sample certificates table