Ouderen in instellingen - Woonzorgcomplexen 2000 - OII WOZOCO 2000


Study on elderly people living in an independent unit in sheltered housing. (housing-care complex, senior housing complex, woonzorgcomplex, zorgcentrum, wooncentrum, aanleunwoning, inleunwoning, serviceflat). Respondents are questioned about their physical and mental health, mobility, activities, living conditions, relations, financial situation. If a respondent is not able to answer the questions a proxy is asked (a family member or a staff member). Data on the institutions were also collected. Reason for moving to this type of housing, how long in sheltered housing, situation before moving / how long had to wait to move to sheltered housing, move alone or with partner, who needed help most. Housing: how many rooms, all on same level, adapted for handicapped / owner-occupier or rental / valuation of living in sheltered housing / wants to move house, why, to what type of housing / waiting for vacancy in a nursing home. Health: satisfaction with own health / does r. have pain / how many days ill in last two weeks / which illnesses, bedridden, incontinence / difficulties with sitting and standing / test of cognitive functions, memory / self rating: eyesight, hearing / medical care: use of drugs, how often visit g.p., medical specialist, physiotherapist, hospital admissions, how many days, mental health care, depression / does r. have alarm system, ever used it. Relations and activities: relation with family / how often visitors, pay visits / does r. practice sports / which recreational, cultural facilities visited / recreational facilities on site / loneliness / holiday, how often / membership of organizations / does r. possess 65+ card / possibility to cook / r. makes own cold, hot meals / r. eats hot meals in dining room or own room / does r. need help with personal care, housekeeping / does r. give help to others. Mobility: does r. need help to move around / how often gets outside / does r. use wheelchair, walking frame, adapted car, adapted scooter or bicycle, costs of transport / use of public transport, special transport for elderly or handicapped, why not / use of taxi, car, bicycle. Finance: gross income, expenses / living costs / does r. have enough money to go on a one week holiday each year, buy new clothes, buy presents, go out, make telephone calls / cost made for dentist, dentures / health insurance, costs / who takes care of finance / does r. have own telephone, newspaper, cost of newspaper telephone, television, television guide. Religion: in youth, now / life after death / r. how often pray, go to church / talk to religious person. Background variables: year of birth / marital status / where is partner living / year of birth partner / no. children / education, education partner / r., parents, born in which country.

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zsu-asuj
Metadata Access https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-zsu-asuj
Creator Klerk, M. de, Woittiez, I., Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau - Den Haag (primary investigator)
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/xml; application/zip; text/x-c; application/octet-stream; application/pdf; application/x-spss-por
Size 2556; 25375; 172746; 507427; 28908; 2632373; 1042713
Version 3.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences