This dataset contains annual data on carbon, oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratios from tree-ring cellulose in 24 silver fir and 24 Douglas-fir trees in Switzerland for the period 2000-2020. It also contains the corresponding tree-ring widths and information on the trees (e.g., tree crown volume).
In addition, the dataset contains variables characterizing the local neighborhood of the sampled trees (competition and diversity indices) used in Charlet de Sauvage, J., Treydte, K., Saurer, M., & Lévesque, M. (2024). Triple-isotope analysis in tree-ring cellulose suggests only moderate effects of tree species mixture on the climate sensitivity of silver fir and Douglas-fir. Tree Physiology, tpae067.
Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratios were also used in Charlet de Sauvage, J., Saurer, M., Treydte, K., & Lévesque, M. (in revision) Decoupling of tree-ring cellulose δ18O and δ2H highlighted by their contrasting relationships to climate and to tree intrinsic variables. Plant, Cell & Environment.
A readme file accompanying the dataset explains each variable.