NorESM1_F pre-industrial control experiment


This dataset contains a thousand years' pre-industrial control simulation of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), using the NorESM1-F version. Data description: case = NBF1850OC_f19_tn11_02 ; Source = CAM ; Variables = lev:hybrid level at midpoints (1000(A+B)) ; hyam:hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints ; hybm:hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints ; ilev:hybrid level at interfaces (1000(A+B)) ; hyai:hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces ; hybi:hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces ; P0:reference pressure ; time:time ; date:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; datesec:current seconds of current date ; lat:latitude ; lon:longitude ; slat:staggered latitude ; slon:staggered longitude ; w_stag:staggered latitude weights ; time_bnds:time interval endpoints ; ntrm:spectral truncation parameter M ; ntrn:spectral truncation parameter N ; ntrk:spectral truncation parameter K ; ndbase:base day ; nsbase:seconds of base day ; nbdate:base date (YYYYMMDD) ; nbsec:seconds of base date ; mdt:timestep ; nlon:number of longitudes ; wnummax:cutoff Fourier wavenumber ; gw:gauss weights ; ndcur:current day (from base day) ; nscur:current seconds of current day ; co2vmr:co2 volume mixing ratio ; ch4vmr:ch4 volume mixing ratio ; n2ovmr:n2o volume mixing ratio ; f11vmr:f11 volume mixing ratio ; f12vmr:f12 volume mixing ratio ; sol_tsi:total solar irradiance ; nsteph:current timestep ; CLDHGH:Vertically-integrated high cloud ; CLDLOW:Vertically-integrated low cloud ; CLDMED:Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud ; CLDTOT:Vertically-integrated total cloud ; CLOUD:Cloud fraction ; FLDS:Downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLDSC:Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLNS:Net longwave flux at surface ; FLNSC:Clearsky net longwave flux at surface ; FLNT:Net longwave flux at top of model ; FLNTC:Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model ; FLUT:Upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FLUTC:Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FSDS:Downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDSC:Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDTOA:Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNS:Net solar flux at surface ; FSNSC:Clearsky net solar flux at surface ; FSNT:Net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTOA:Net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNTOAC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSUTOA:Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; ICEFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice ; LANDFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by land ; LHFLX:Surface latent heat flux ; LWCF:Longwave cloud forcing ; OCNFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean ; OMEGA:Vertical velocity (pressure) ; OMEGA500:Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface ; OMEGA850:Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface ; PBLH:PBL height ; PRECC:Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PRECL:Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PRECT:Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PS:Surface pressure ; PSL:Sea level pressure ; Q:Specific humidity ; QFLX:Surface water flux ; QREFHT:Reference height humidity ; RELHUM:Relative humidity ; RHREFHT:Reference height relative humidity ; SHFLX:Surface sensible heat flux ; SNOWHICE:Water equivalent snow depth ; SNOWHLND:Water equivalent snow depth ; SOLIN:Solar insolation ; SOLLD:Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface ; SOLSD:Solar downward visible diffuse to surface ; SRFRAD:Net radiative flux at surface ; SWCF:Shortwave cloud forcing ; T:Temperature ; T1000:Temperature at 1000 mbar pressure surface ; T200:Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface ; T500:Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface ; T700:Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface ; T850:Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface ; TAUX:Zonal surface stress ; TAUY:Meridional surface stress ; TGCLDLWP:Total grid-box cloud liquid water path ; TMQ:Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water ; TREFHT:Reference height temperature ; TS:Surface temperature (radiative) ; TSMN:Minimum surface temperature over output period ; TSMX:Maximum surface temperature over output period ; U:Zonal wind ; U10:10m wind speed ; U200:Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface ; U850:Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface ; V:Meridional wind ; V200:Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface ; V850:Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface ; Z050:Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface ; Z100:Geopotential Z at 100 mbar pressure surface ; Z200:Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface ; Z3:Geopotential Height (above sea level) ; Z300:Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface ; Z500:Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface ; Z700:Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface ; Source = MICOM ; Variables = time:time ; sigma:Potential density ; depth:z level ; pco2:Surface PCO2 ; dmsflux:DMS flux ; co2fxd:Downward CO2 flux ; co2fxu:Upward CO2 flux ; fgo2:Oxygen flux ; fgn2:Nitrogen flux ; dms:DMS ; dmsprod:DMS production from phytoplankton production ; dms_bac:DMS bacterial consumption ; dms_uv:DMS photolysis reduction ; epc100:Export production ; epsi100:Si export production ; epcalc100:Ca export production ; carflx0100:C flux at 100m ; carflx0500:C flux at 500m ; carflx1000:C flux at 1000m ; carflx2000:C flux at 2000m ; bsiflx0100:Opal flux at 100m ; bsiflx0500:Opal flux at 500m ; bsiflx1000:Opal flux at 1000m ; bsiflx2000:Opal flux at 2000m ; calflx0100:CaCO3 flux at 100m ; calflx0500:CaCO3 flux at 500m ; calflx1000:CaCO3 flux at 1000m ; calflx2000:CaCO3 flux at 2000m ; atmco2:Atmospheric CO2 ; pddpo:Layer thickness ; dissic:Dissolved inorganic carbon ; talk:Alkalinity ; po4:Phosphorus ; o2:Oxygen ; no3:Nitrate ; si:Silicate ; dissoc:Dissolved organic carbon ; phyc:Phytoplankton ; zooc:Zooplankton ; detoc:Detrius ; calc:CaCO3 shells ; opal:Opal shells ; dfe:Dissolved iron ; pp:Primary production ; co3:Carbonate ions ; ph:pH ; omegac:OmegaC ; nos:Marine snow aggregates per cm^3 sea water ; Source = CLM ; Variables = levgrnd:coordinate soil levels ; levlak:coordinate lake levels ; edgen:northern edge of surface grid ; edgee:eastern edge of surface grid ; edges:southern edge of surface grid ; edgew:western edge of surface grid ; time:time ; mcdate:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; mcsec:current seconds of current date ; mdcur:current day (from base day) ; mscur:current seconds of current day ; nstep:time step ; time_bounds:history time interval endpoints ; lon:coordinate longitude ; lat:coordinate latitude ; lonatm:atm coordinate longitude ; latatm:atm coordinate latitude ; lonrof:runoff coordinate longitude ; latrof:runoff coordinate latitude ; longxy:longitude ; latixy:latitude ; area:grid cell areas ; areaupsc:normalized grid cell areas related to upscaling ; topo:grid cell topography ; topodnsc:normalized grid cell topography related to downscaling ; landfrac:land fraction ; landmask:land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) ; pftmask:pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) ; indxupsc:upscaling atm global grid index ; longxyatm:atm longitude ; latixyatm:atm latitude ; areaatm:atm grid cell areas ; ZSOI:soil depth ; DZSOI:soil thickness ; WATSAT:saturated soil water content (porosity) ; SUCSAT:saturated soil matric potential ; BSW:slope of soil water retention curve ; HKSAT:saturated hydraulic conductivity ; FSNO:fraction of ground covered by snow ; SNOWDP:snow height ; SOILWATER_10CM:soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil ; Source = CICE ; Variables = time:model time ; time_bounds:boundaries for time-averaging interval ; TLON:T grid center longitude ; TLAT:T grid center latitude ; ULON:U grid center longitude ; ULAT:U grid center latitude ; tarea:area of T grid cells ; ANGLE:angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid ; hi:grid cell mean ice thickness ; hs:grid cell mean snow thickness ; fs:grid cell mean snow fraction ; aice:ice area (aggregate) ; uvel:ice velocity (x) ; vvel:ice velocity (y) ; transix:ice mass transport (x) on East side ; transiy:ice mass transport (y) on North side ; Science publication: Published : DOI: 10.5194/cp-14-1463-2018, URL:, Citation: Plach et al., Eemian Greenland SMB strongly sensitive to model choice, Climate of the Past, 2018 (primary)

Metadata Access
Creator Guo, Chuncheng
Publisher Norstore Archive
Publication Year 2018
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences