In December 2013, June and December 2014, and July 2015, a total of 123 specimens of L. argentiventris were captured in the Macapule Lagoon with gillnets of 50 mm mesh size. The total length and weight of each specimen were recorded. The liver, stomach, and gutted weight were weighed to the nearest gram (g) and the data used to calculate the following morpho-physiological indices: 1) the Fulton's condition factor (CF) using the equation: CF = W~t~/L~t~3 * 100, where W~t~ = total weight and L~t~ = total length; 2) the hepatosomatic index (HSI) using the equation: HSI = W~h~/W~t~100, where W~h~ = liver weight and W~t~ = total weight of the individual; and 3) the gastric repletion index (GRI) using the equation GRI = W~s~/W~t~ 100, where W~s~ = stomach weight and W~t~ = total weight. Parameters of the length-weight relationship of L. argentiventris were estimated using the equation: W = aL^b^, where W = weight of the fish (g), L = total length (cm), a = y-intercept or the initial growth coefficient, b = slope or the growth coefficient. Blood samples of 1±0.1 mL were extracted (only of fish larger than 10 cm total length) by caudal puncture with a disposable plastic syringe containing 0.5 mL of heparinized solution (Sigma-Aldrich). The blood samples were centrifuged at 9,500 g at 4ºC during 10 minutes to separate the blood cells from the plasma. Total protein concentrations were determined following Bradford's method (1976), which is based on the reaction of the amino groups with the dye Coomassie Blue G-250. Triglycerides, glucose, and cholesterol concentrations were determined with colorimetric commercial kits Randox, U.K (Apún-Molina et al., 2015);. Absorbance was determined with a microplate reader (Multiskan Go, Thermo Scientific UV, United States) and concentrations were calculated from a standard solution of substrates.