This dataset contains data from simulations using the reduced-complexity model FORTE 2.0.
Analyses based on these data are first presented in "Systematic Regional Aerosol Perturbations (SyRAP) in Asia using the intermediate-resolution
global climate model FORTE2", Stjern et al.,
submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems December 2023.
Simulations involve Systematic Regional Aerosol Perturbations (SyRAP)of either absorbing or
scattering aerosols in either India or China. Core simulations only includ aerosol-radiation
interactions (ARI) but we have additional simulations including aerosol-cloud interaction (ACI), to quantify the relative role of the two processes.
Atmospheric (and some oceanic) variables are output on monthly or daily time resolution for the
200 years of simulation, for each experiment.