Meteorological data Weißseespitze/Austria, 2017 et seq


The meteorological data were recorded at Weißseespitze (3500 m) in the Ötztal Alps/Austria during the FWF project Cold Ice, P 29256-N36. This is the raw data as recorded, without quality control and without error corrections. Please be aware that before using the data the quality control is a necessary step before using the data in a scientific context. For example, at this high elevation site the albedo values recorded together with the radiation components contain values out of the range 0-1 because in the morning the sun directly shines into the lower sensors of the Hukseflux instruments which are designed to capture the reflected radiation. The AWS (Automatic Weather Station) was installed in October 2017 (46°50'46.56N, 10°43'4.59E, 3499 m) and mainly consists of Campbell Scientific (CS) components and a CR3000 data logger. Records of air temperature and humidity (Rotronic-HC2S3), air pressure (CS106 Vaisala PTB110), wind speed and direction (Young-05103-45), the energy balance (Hukseflux-NR01), snow accumulation and ice ablation by sonic ranging sensor (CS-SR50a) and ice temperatures in four different depths (CS225) are taken every minute and stored on ten-minute intervals with a UTC timestamp.The CS225 ice temperature sensors were initially installed at depths of -1m, -2m, -6m and -9m with reference to the 2017 ice surface as zero. The actual sensor depth thus depends on the ice ablation at the surface since 2017.Snow height is calculated as the difference between the SR50a instrument height and the measured distance to the surface. The instrument height is corrected and applied to the logger program regularly.

Snow height is calculated as the difference between the SR50a instrument height and the measured distance to the surface. The instrument height is corrected and applied to the logger program regularly on: 31.10.2017: 3.50m 27.10.2018: 3.65m 01.10.2019: 2.55m 29.10.2021: 2.78mThe AWS data series is continued annually

Metadata Access
Creator Stocker-Waldhuber, Martin ORCID logo; Seiser, Bernd; Fischer, Andrea ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference Austrian Science Fund Crossref Funder ID FWF P 29256-N36 Cold Ice
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 4 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (10.718 LON, 46.846 LAT); Weißseespitze, Ötztaler Alpen, Austria
Temporal Coverage Begin 2017-10-31T14:10:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2021-10-01T00:00:00Z