TERENO (Northeast), Soil moisture station Rustow BF2, Germany


The Rustow BF2 soil moisture station is part of an agrometeorological test site and aims at supplying environmental data for algorithm development in remote sensing and environmental modelling, with a focus on soil moisture and evapotranspiration.The site is intensively used for practical tests of remote sensing data integration in agricultural land management practices. First measurement infrastructure was installed by DLR in 1999 and instrumentation was intensified in 2011 and later as the site became part of the TERENO-NE observatory. The soil moisture station station Rustow BF2 was installed in 2013. It is located on the border between two fields, sensors A are installed in the northern field, sensors B in the eastern field. The station is equipped with sensor for measuring the following variables: ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_1, ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_2, ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_3, ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_4, ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_5, ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_6, ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_2_Temperature and ScemeSpadeSoilMoisture_Spade_4_Temperature The current version of this dataset is 1.1. This version includes two additional years of data (from-year to-year)and a revised version of the data flags. A detailed overview on all changes is provided in the station description file. The version 1.0 is available in the 'previous_versions' subfolder via the Data Download link. A first version of this data was provided under http://doi.org/10.5880/TERENO.GFZ.2018.057 containing the measured data and Version 2.0 contains additionally the quality flags for each measured value and extended metadata. The dataset is also available through the TERENO Data Discovery Portal. The datafile will be extended once per year as more data is acquired at the stations and the metadatafile will be updated. New columns for new variables will be added as necessary. In case of changes in dta processing, which will result in changes of historical data, an new Version of this dataset will be published using a new doi. New data will be added after a delay of several months to allow manual interference with the quality control process. Data processing was done using DMRP version: 0.5.12. Metadataprocessing was done using DMETA version: 0.3.17.

The DEMMIN test site is located within the central monitoring sites of the TERENO Northeastern German Lowland Observatory. It covers 900 km² and exhibits mostly glacial formed lowlands with terminal moraines in the southern part, containing the highest elevation of 83m a.s.l. The region between the rivers Tollense and Peene consists of flat ground moraines, whereas undulation ground moraines determine the landscape character north of the river Peene. The lowest elevation is located near the town Loitz with 0.5m a.s.l. The region is characterized by intense agricultural use and the three rivers Tollense and Trebel which confluence into the Peene River at the Hanseatic city Demmin. The present climate is characterized by a long-term (19812010) mean temperature of 8.7 °C and mean precipitation of 584 mm/year, measured at the Teterow weather station by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). The Northeastern German Lowland Observatory is situated in a region shaped by recurring glacial and periglacial processes since at least half a million years. Within this period, three major glaciations covered the entire region, the last time this happened approximately 25 15 k ago (Weichselian glaciation).Since that time, a young morainic landscape developed characterized by many lakes and river systems that are connected to the shallow ground water table. The test site is instrumented with more than 40 environmental measurement stations (DLR, GFZ). Additionally, 63 soil moisture stations were installed by GFZ, a lysimeter-hexagon (DLR, FZJ) near to the village Rustow and is part of the SOILCan project. A crane completes the measurement technique currently available in the test site installed by GFZ/DLR in 2011. Data is automatically collected via a telemetry network by DLR. The quality control of all environmental data transferred via Telemetry network of DLR is carried out by DLR by visual control and, since 2012, by automatic processing by GFZ. The delivered dataset contains the measured data and quality flags indicating the validity of each measured value and detected reasons for exclusion. The TERENO (TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatories) is an initiative of the Helmholtz Centers (Forschungszentrum Jülich FZJ, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Center for Environmental Health HMGU, German Research Centre for Geosciences - GFZ, and German Aerospace Center DLR) (http://www.tereno.net/overview-de). TERENO Northeastern German Lowland Observatory.TERENO (TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatories) spans an Earth observation network across Germany that extends from the North German lowlands to the Bavarian Alps. This unique large-scale project aims to catalogue the longterm ecological, social and economic impact of global change at regional level. Further specific goals of the TERENO remote sensing research group at GFZ are (1) supplying environmental data for algorithm development in remote sensing and environmental modelling, with a focus on soil moisture and evapotranspiration, and (2) practical tests of remote sensing data integration in agricultural land management practices.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5880/TERENO.GFZ.2018.057
Related Identifier http://www.tereno.net/ddp/dispatch?sosurls=NEGL,http%3A%2F%2F139.17.3.204:8080%2Fterenodata_public%2Fsos&autozoom=bla
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.5880/TERENO.GFZ.SM.2018.ALL
Metadata Access http://doidb.wdc-terra.org/oaip/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:doidb.wdc-terra.org:6523
Creator Itzerott, Sibylle ORCID logo; Hohmann, Christian ORCID logo; Stender, Vivien; Maass, Holger; Borg, Erik ORCID logo; Renke, Frank; Jahncke, Dirk; Berg, Matthias; Conrad, Christopher ORCID logo; Spengler, Daniel ORCID logo
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Itzerott, Sibylle; Hohmann, Christian; Stender, Vivien; Maass, Holger; Borg, Erik; Renke, Frank; Jahncke, Dirk; Berg, Matthias; Conrad, Christopher; Spengler, Daniel
Publication Year 2018
Rights CC BY 4.0; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact Hohmann, Christian (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf; text/csv
Size 2 Files
Version 1.1
Discipline Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Spatial Coverage (13.086W, 53.974S, 13.086E, 53.974N)