European Values Study 1999/2000 - EVS'99/2000 : Release I - September 2003 (ZA Study 3811)


The European Values Study is designed to enable cross-national comparison of values, beliefs and attitudes, as well as preferences and priorities, and the changes in time concerning these issues. Uniform questionnaires were used to interview representative samples in 33 European countries: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and the Ukraine. The EVS 1999/2000 is the third wave (after 1981 and 1990) covering the following fields: religion and morality / politics, society and economy / work and leisure-time / primary relations. For more detailed information, and information about updates: see also the EVS website.

Date Submitted: 2003-09-01

Date Submitted: 2007-07-30

Metadata Access
Creator Halman, L.C.J.M. , Subfac. Sociale Wetenschappen , Universiteit van Tilburg (primary investigator)
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin; European Values Study Foundation (research initiator); Research Institutes Participating Countries (data collector)
Publication Year 2000
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/xml; application/zip; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/plain; text/x-c; application/octet-stream; application/x-spss-por; application/pdf; application/msword; text/csv
Size 1528; 224416; 135; 521; 456; 586; 326617; 463508; 31293; 44477910; 1007371; 294024; 356037; 25601; 1518588; 311244; 400717; 27689; 1080540; 299570; 388388; 26336; 2011635; 302594; 375793; 26987; 1487079; 314368; 410021; 27517; 1978830; 293315; 358003; 25414; 1160730; 299801; 356340; 26302; 1038177; 290193; 329773; 25176; 980586; 304412; 387075; 27376; 1899693; 305881; 379005; 26428; 1083942; 291838; 311626; 25304; 1012419; 290837; 358316; 25269; 1009584; 291777; 361039; 25284; 938709; 300476; 352244; 25977; 1047006; 295812; 355395; 26081; 1044981; 293164; 350102; 25484; 1018008; 293943; 352087; 25753; 1030401; 298801; 374046; 25820; 1018413; 299568; 348634; 26167; 1125900; 294227; 369112; 25537; 1777140; 293165; 331026; 25652; 1304100; 298769; 340764; 26707; 1073412; 307638; 394227; 26901; 1227393; 291243; 350086; 25285; 1008207; 292816; 367784; 25363; 980343; 294816; 358290; 25850; 1137888; 289797; 354047; 25172; 2237868; 295408; 324609; 26211; 1026918; 300571; 370746; 26719; 1231605; 290509; 345016; 25252; 986094; 301241; 378546; 26104; 1189242; 291257; 360604; 25279; 977994; 292480; 326791; 25375; 1194102; 522; 2120; 192884; 242364; 219077; 215512; 217838; 247174; 293138; 11860; 211264; 154240; 138137; 136119; 137541; 145673; 165742; 104529; 200021; 314504; 279441; 273579; 276128; 305565; 337689; 151391; 202040; 228514; 217429; 215612; 204749; 221603; 240994; 79240; 211339; 293423; 272780; 268093; 268546; 302183; 319748; 228849; 191322; 175702; 164590; 162218; 164888; 183031; 214983; 200573; 151382; 135541; 133357; 135770; 146601; 186618; 48389; 188877; 151703; 134988; 132161; 133505; 153829; 169369; 203927; 299767; 260236; 255453; 257792; 292880; 344102; 125366; 203070; 165795; 142251; 137625; 139508; 171765; 192546; 92321; 190471; 154857; 138813; 136530; 136950; 159530; 184057; 189855; 162321; 141871; 138473; 139070; 160240; 169175; 189849; 141756; 131013; 128635; 129980; 147641; 160201; 195716; 162641; 137773; 141180; 137296; 152457; 180760; 27925; 196190; 155587; 138657; 142350; 136312; 155187; 186948; 31312; 154689; 140467; 136025; 138464; 155774; 184625; 6947; 193755; 156212; 138806; 136763; 139573; 153500; 198509; 11069; 195244; 155489; 141880; 138798; 141438; 159138; 157693; 24748; 198617; 170601; 149183; 147734; 150108; 163366; 205037; 41435; 194427; 297740; 261688; 255100; 256539; 293807; 325871; 36196; 192811; 207567; 181722; 179655; 182859; 199875; 253866; 10886; 200528; 168931; 171075; 134012; 135469; 151368; 183005; 57399; 204974; 198274; 159281; 157920; 158464; 171930; 207371; 82572; 190344; 154323; 137474; 136210; 138594; 155300; 181825; 190760; 152600; 136490; 134125; 134994; 153239; 165147; 195665; 172470; 155105; 153306; 153195; 178261; 213504; 40305; 385803; 346823; 338737; 345397; 389773; 387969; 196188; 148191; 136679; 134200; 133771; 155748; 189321; 27617; 200011; 190229; 166485; 163053; 168880; 186311; 203646; 62398; 189366; 147649; 136580; 135131; 144627; 153883; 168434; 197150; 180783; 166087; 162285; 167141; 182252; 199150; 39327; 154742; 138900; 135140; 139199; 156714; 154507; 180307; 165968; 171388; 163028; 196453; 222704; 228864; 6526140; 7507946; 5761478; 6002355; 6296304; 6855502; 7297630; 1396821
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Economics; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences