We have previously shown that La3Ni2SbO9 behaves as a relaxor ferromagnet below ~100 K. There are many other A3B2MO9 oxides that do not show this behaviour. We want to understand what features of the crystal structure play a role in determining whether relaxor behaviour is observed, with the eventual aim of producing a compound with a higher transition temperature. We also want to determine what other magnetic behaviours are observed when an A3B2MO9 compound is not a relaxor. We propose to study three A3B2MO9 oxides all with B = Ni and with M = Te, W, or Ta. Our magnetometry experiments suggest that one is a relaxor but the other two are not. We hope to be able to understand this by determining the details of the crystal structures, including the degree of cation ordering. In the case of the two non-relaxors we hope to determine what kind of magnetic ordering, if any, they do show below the transition temperatures that are clearly present in their magnetic susceptibilities.