Raw water column data were collected aboard RV SONNE during cruise SO303 BIOGIN using a 12 kHz Kongsberg EM 122 multibeam echosounder. The expedition took place during 21.01.2024 - 19.02.2024 from La Réunion (France) to Colombo (Sri Lanka) in the Indian Ocean. The aim of SO303 BIOGIN (BIOGeochemistry in the equatorial INdian Ocean and the northern Arabian Sea) was to to sample a transect from 15°S to 9°N at 67°30'E to 69°E to study the southern extent of the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. Important note: Due to a political situation, the foregoing cruise SO302 had been cancelled and the expedition dates of SO303 shifted. Hence data that would have originally been within the time range of SO302 are now within SO303. See cruise report for further details. Data were recorded outside EEZs. Sound velocity profiles (SVP) were applied on the data for calibration. Please see environmental data and the cruise report for details. The data are unprocessed and can therefore contain incorrect depth measurements (artifacts) if not further processed. Note that refraction errors may occur when no proper SVP is applied. Data acquisition was done by University of Hamburg, provision of the data is supported by the DAM Underway Project and published according to the FAIR principles.
These data should not be used for navigational purposes.