Replication Data for: Plantar Intrinsic Foot Muscle Activation during Functional Exercises compared to Isolated Foot Exercises in Younger Adults.


The data consist of raw and filtered non-invasive electromyography (EMG) data of 4 foot muscles while foot exercises are performed by non-symptomatic younger adults. The data package also contains summary measures (i.e., mean EMG amplitude and EMG integrated over time) and the scripts used to obtain these variables. The main goal of this study was to compare muscle activation of plantar intrinsic foot muscles, by means of EMG parameters, between functional exercises and isolated foot exercises. The secondary goal was to determine the effect of variations of foot exercises on the activation of the plantar intrinsic foot muscles.

Matlab, R2020b

Metadata Access
Creator Willemse, Lydia ORCID logo; Wouters, Eveline ORCID logo; Pisters, Martijn; Vanwanseele, Benedicte ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Willemse, Lydia; DataverseNL
Publication Year 2023
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Contact Willemse, Lydia (Tilburg University, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, KU Leuven)
Resource Type Observational data; Dataset
Format text/csv; application/x-spss-sav; application/octet-stream; application/x-spss-syntax; text/x-matlab; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/pdf; application/matlab-mat
Size 789138; 76294; 71678; 59271; 162337; 81591; 4543; 4503; 3787; 1060115; 6882; 4532; 11108; 71915; 5895; 1089887; 15650; 14258; 13024; 13923; 13618; 4661; 4652; 466; 1288; 12288; 63302; 468; 302780; 156920; 394058912; 260697387; 254628423; 242889396; 168100244; 258567227; 266499347; 209686622; 231062458; 254358556; 236949476; 258673765; 243970611; 245445669; 253126886; 245644198; 231300539; 253337557; 248677293; 166885087; 236813051; 232575796; 373646452; 390695819; 230046040; 171852715; 251706566; 358948100; 172982155
Version 1.1
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine