International colour-emotion survey data from Lithuania (LT)


In 2015, we launched the data collection on our international colour-emotion association survey. The data is collected online ( We invite participants to complete the survey in their native language. At the end of 2017, we had translated and back-translated the survey into 37 languages. Additional translations are ongoing or are waiting for opportunities (new collaborators). For each country or language group within a country, we aim for complete data from about 100 participants, roughly equally distributed between three age ranges (18-30 years; 31-50 years; > 50 years). Also, we do not treat the data set without having at least 25 valid responses in each age group. Thus, we treat each sample when these conditions are met. On the current webpage, we only publish data of completed countries. We here use country of origin (not country of residence) as variable to group participants into discrete clusters per country. Different groupings can be obtained from the complete dataset.

Metadata Access
Creator Mohr, Christine
Publisher FORS
Publication Year 2020
Rights Zusätzliche Einschränkungen: Kann nur für akademische Forschung und Unterricht verwendet werden; Additional Restrictions: Academic research and teaching only; Restrictions supplémentaires: Recherche et enseignement académiques uniquement; Sondergenehmigung: Keine; Special permission: None; Permission spéciale: Aucune
OpenAccess true
Discipline Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Schweden; Sweden; Suède; Thailand; Thailand; Thaïlande; Grossbritannien; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Royaume-Uni; Polen; Poland; Pologne; China; China; Chine; Argentinien; Argentina; Argentine; Lateinamerika und Karibik; Latin America and the Caribbean; Amérique latine et Caraïbes; Bosnien und Herzegowina; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bosnie-Herzégovine; Brasilien; Brazil; Brésil; Chile; Chile; Chili; Dänemark; Denmark; Danemark; Finnland; Finland; Finlande; Griechenland; Greece; Grèce; Indien; India; Inde; Südasien; Southern Asia; Asie méridionale; Mexiko; Mexico; Mexique; Nigeria; Nigeria; Nigeria; Serbien; Serbia; Serbie; Russland; Russian Federation; Russie; Slowakien; Slovakia; Slovaquie; Senegal; Senegal; Sénégal; Bulgarien; Bulgaria; Bulgarie; Costa Rica; Costa Rica; Costa Rica; Iran; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Iran; Aserbaidschan; Azerbaijan; Azerbaïdjan; Kolumbien; Colombia; Colombie; Ecuador; Ecuador; Équateur; Ägypten; Egypt; Égypte; Rumänien; Romania; Roumanie; Nordafrika; Northern Africa; Afrique septentrionale; Südafrika; South Africa; Afrique du Sud; Afrika; Africa; Afrique; Subsahara-Afrika; Sub-Saharan Africa; Afrique subsaharienne; Gabun; Gabon; Gabon; Georgien; Georgia; Géorgie; Litauen; Lithuania; Lituanie; Malaysia; Malaysia; Malaysie; Neuseeland; New Zealand; Nouvelle Zélande; Palästina; Palestine, State of; Palestine; Panama; Panama; Panama; Peru; Peru; Pérou; Saudi Arabien; Saudi Arabia; Arabie Saoudite; Südkorea; Korea, Republic of; Corée du Sud; Taiwan; Taiwan, Province of China; Taïwan; Togo; Togo; Togo; Tèrkei; Turkey; Turquie; Ukraine; Ukraine; Ukraine; Simbabwe; Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe; Schweiz; Switzerland; Suisse; Europa; Europe; Europe; Westeuropa; Western Europe; Europe occidentale; Deutschland; Germany; Allemagne; Frankreich; France; France; Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika; United States of America; États-Unis d'Amérique; Amerikas; Americas; Amériques; Nordamerika; Northern America; Amérique septentrionale; Italien; Italy; Italie; Südeuropa; Southern Europe; Europe méridionale; Japan; Japan; Japon; Asien; Asia; Asie; Ostasien; Eastern Asia; Asie orientale; Australien; Australia; Australie; Ozeanien; Oceania; Océanie; Australien und Neuseeland; Australia and New Zealand; Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande; Belgien; Belgium; Belgique; Kanada; Canada; Canada; Spanien; Spain; Espagne; Estland; Estonia; Estonie; Nordeuropa; Northern Europe; Europe septentrionale; Ungarn; Hungary; Hongrie; Osteuropa; Eastern Europe; Europe orientale; Indonesien; Indonesia; Indonesie; Südostasien; South-eastern Asia; Asie du Sud-Est; Irland; Ireland; Irlande; Israel; Israel; Israël; Westasien; Western Asia; Asie occidentale; Niederlande; Netherlands; Pays-Bas; Norwegen; Norway; Norvège; Portugal; Portugal; Portugal