This dataset is part of the manuscript "Field observations reveal how plunging mixing and sediment resuspension affect the pathway of a dense river inflow into a deep stratified lake" submitted to Water Resources Research in 2024. It contains measurements of a river intrusion and underflow event in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, from 2016.09.23 to 2017.01.23.
This dataset contains the following files:
Current and echo measurements from an upward and a downward looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP), Teledyne RDI Workhorse 300 kHz.
Bottom water temperature measurements from a line of eight Seabird SBE56 thermistor nodes.
Vertical profiles of depth, temperature and conductivity from a CTD (ME OTS Sonde) obtained on 2016.12.12. The profile numbering corresponds to the positions given in the 20161212_CTD_Deployment_Figure.png file.