This supplement contains GNSS displacement time series, fluid loading displacement time series predictions, and trajectory models for these time series. The time series are for the study regions of the paper: "Months-Long thousand-km-scale wobbling before great subduction earthquakes". These study regions are (1) Japan and surrounding countries and (2) Chile and surrounding countries. Network solution daily GNSS time series displacements in Chile and surrounding countries in the South American network have been produced by GFZ. Network solution daily GNSS time series of displacements in Japan have been produced by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). PPP daily GNSS time series of displacements in Japan and surrounding countries have been produced by the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno. Fluid loading predictions have been made using the HYDL, NTOL, NTAL, and SLEL products of the ESMGFZ. Readme ascii files in this data supplement contain instructions on how the data are ordered. Furthermore, the Readme file contains the relevant references and acknowledgments for readers who want to use these data in their own published studies.