Dataset: From hidden metal-insulator transition to Planckian-like dissipation by tuning the oxygen content in a nickelate


Heavily oxygen deficient NdNiO3 (NNO) films, which are insulating due to electron localization, contain pristine regions that undergo a hidden metal-insulator transition. Increasing oxygen content increases the connectivity of the metallic regions and the metal-insulator transition is first revealed, upon reaching the percolation threshold, by the presence of hysteresis. Only upon further oxygenation is the global metallic state (with a change in the resistivity slope) eventually achieved. It is shown that sufficient oxygenation leads to linear temperature dependence of resistivity in the metallic state, with a scattering rate directly proportional to temperature. These results could provide experimental support for recent theoretical predictions of disorder in a two-fluid model as a possible origin of Planckian dissipation.

Notepad, 20H2

Excel, v2016

Origin by OriginLab Co., v7.5

Gwyddion, v2.58

NanoScope Analysis, v1.9

Data repository contains electrical transport and conducting AFM experimental data and their analysis presented in the paper: Guo, Q., Noheda, B. From hidden metal-insulator transition to Planckian-like dissipation by tuning the oxygen content in a nickelate. npj Quantum Mater. 6, 72 (2021). ************ Directories in data repository are structured according Figures in publication. The raw data of Figure 1 were displayed in separated text files named with corresponding temperature. Data of other figures were named as "Data of Figure XXX". *********** A pdf file named as “Overall description of the database_read me first” describes the overall directory of this database, including the physical meaning of each parameters and explanations about how the data are analyzed. **************A majority of data included are collected with a Quantum Design Physical properties measurement system (PPMS) system in group Nanostructure of functional oxides. The conducting AFM is performed in a Bruker ICON system and the data were analyzed in NanoScope Analysis version 1.9.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Guo, Qikai ORCID logo; Noheda, Beatriz ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Groningen Digital Competence Centre
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Groningen Digital Competence Centre (University of Groningen)
Resource Type Experimental data in text, calculations in excel; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/pdf
Size 112129; 113110; 116547; 116686; 116519; 114982; 86106; 115032; 85746; 113086; 84360; 112624; 84602; 113034; 112920; 113078; 21809; 39504; 39452; 26971; 4664; 6563; 4323; 2918; 393; 520; 1905; 11875; 265; 11341; 52079; 2465; 20699; 15385; 15384; 15383; 15630; 15619; 15592; 15579; 15527; 15168; 15190; 15187; 15188; 15165; 15379; 15380; 15377; 15376; 346684
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences; Physics