Rural-Urban migration and remittances in the Akmola province (Northern Kazakhstan)

This database contains primary data from a standardized household survey (n=400) conducted in Northern Kazakhstan (Akmola province) in 2017. It includes information on household demographics, migration history and intentions, remittances received and support given, migration attitudes, and constraints, household income, personality traits, and subjective well-being. The respondents answered questions on their personal situation, on other household members, and on the general household situation. The use of computer assisted personal interviews (CAPI) ensured high quality data. The database is a product of a German Research Foundation (DFG) financed research project "Internal migration in Kazakhstan – New Institutionalism and Bayesian Networks: Establishing an analytical framework to model migration decision making in rural Kazakhstan" (BU1319/16-1, HE 5272/8-1). The data set has not yet been fully analysed in many respects, e.g. on subjective well-being of the respondent and his/her migration/staying intentions. Data are stored in long-form. Further inquiries can be sent directly to: Tom Dufhues, For inquiries regarding data organization and on extracting data on particular aspects/variables please contact the data curator Stephan Brosig (

Kombination aus Wahrscheinlichkeit- und Nicht- Wahrscheinlichkeitsauswahl

Face-to-face interviewInterview.FaceToFace

Persönliches InterviewInterview.FaceToFace

Metadata Access
Creator Dufhues, Thomas
Publisher GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences; GESIS Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference [Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft]
Rights Free access (with registration) - The research data can be downloaded by registered users. CC BY 4.0: Namensnennung (; Freier Zugang (mit Registrierung) - Die Forschungsdaten können von allen registrierten Nutzerinnen und Nutzern heruntergeladen werden. CC BY 4.0: Namensnennung (
OpenAccess true
Language English; German
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Kasachstan; Kasachstan