Niobium oxide based compounds have superior catalytic properties. Research to get an inside into the physical properties of hydrogen is extremely difficult as hydrogen in Nb2O5 is present in small amounts (~1 mol%) only and the high disorder complicates interpretation of measurement method supported by crystalline order (X-ray and neutron diffraction, Raman spectroscopy etc.). Inelastic neutron scattering is the ideal tool to measure the vibrational properties of hydrogen in solids. The modelling of the vibrational properties of H in Nb2O5 and related oxides by means of DFT will also give the electronic structure of the systems, from which an insight into the functioning of the catalytic activity will be obtained.Our intention is to study the INS spectra of Nb2O5, KNbO3 and MgO-NbOx mixed oxide, as prepared and after hydrogenation at various hydrogen pressures.