Electronic Dance Music (EDM) is a music style as well as a global creative industry. Performing live and releasing music are the main practices in this field. This dataset tracks the careers of about 4000 artists in EDM from 2001 to 2015. It is based on a collection of artist gigographies (who performed where and when) and discographies (who released what and when) taken and combined from three online platforms (Resident Advisor, Discogs, and Juno Download). Each career point is represented by year, career stage, cohort, the number of gigs, number of performances, and 16 scores quantifying four types of positions (global closure, local closure, global openness, local openness) in four analytical networks (artist co-gig, artist co-venue, artist co-style, and artist co-label). In addition, the artist’s success at each career point based on travel distances is given. Details on the variables and its construction can be found in the publication referenced below.
Total Universe / Complete enumeration
Computer-based observationObservation.ComputerBased
Computer-basierte BeobachtungObservation.ComputerBased