Magnetic and Crystal Field Excitation Spectra in the Iridate Pyrochlores Tb2Ir2O7 and Er2Ir2O7


Our recent investigations of the magnetostatic properties of Tb2Ir2O7 and Er2Ir2O7 put into evidence different magnetic behaviours of Tb and Er in these iridate pyrochlores. The Ir-5d electrons exhibit a metal-insulator transition accompanied with a magnetic freezing at 130 K in Tb2Ir2O7 and 140 K in Er2Ir2O7. This magnetic freezing induces an "all-in all-out" magnetic order of the Tb moments in Tb2Ir2O7 through the f-d exchange. In contrast, no Er magnetic order is detected by neutron diffraction in Er2Ir2O7 down to 2K. We understand this by modelling the Tb magnetism with multi-axial Ising spins (aligned along the directions) and the Er magnetism with multi-planar XY spins (perpendicular to these directions). As to confirm and further our insights, we request 3 days beam time on IN5 and 3 days beam time on IN4 to probe the crystal field excitations in both Tb2Ir2O7 and Er2Ir2O7 and the magnetic excitations in the "all-in all-out" magnetic ordered phase in Tb2Ir2O7.

Metadata Access
Creator Lhotel, Elsa; Lefrancois, Emilie; Ollivier, Jacques; Chapon, Laurent; Lejay, Pascal; Ballou, Rafik; Simonet, Virginie
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2014
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 6 GB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields