Measuring impact in the third sector


Collection of interviews with adult social service department representatives with a role in third sector commissioning on how they measure the effectiveness of third sector services. These interviews contributed to investigating current understanding and practice around impact measurement in the UK third sector. Research focused particularly on third sector organisations (TSOs) that deliver public services, and seek to understand the implications of recent developments in policy and practice around impact measurement for the third sector in the delivery of public services. Research questions included: (1) How is impact measurement undertaken in the third sector? with (1a) What performance measurement practices and processes are used by TSOs, across a range of services and sub sectors? (1b) What are the strengths and weaknesses of particular impact measurement tools? (1c) What are the challenges and barriers for TSOs in undertaking impact measurement? (1d) What support do TSOs need to undertake impact measurement? (2) How is impact measurement undertaken by the third sector in the delivery of public services? with (2a) What impact and performance measurement practices and processes are used by commissioners for TSO public service delivery, and why? (2b) What are the implications of such practices and processes for third sector organisations? The Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) is a Venture Funded Centre, in partnership with the Office for Civil Society and the Barrow Cadbury Trust. TSRC is based at the University of Birmingham, but is a joint venture with the University of Southampton, with additional contributions from Middlesex and Kent. Research activity includes: (1) Analysis of theoretical issues and development of a critical understanding of the policy environment for the sector. (2) Securing and analysing reliable data about the size, shape, structure and dynamics of the sector - including quantitative data, drawn from administrative sources and large scale surveys, and in-depth qualitative research with a selection of sector organisations. (3) Analysis of the economic and social impact of the sector, including the role of the sector in delivering public services, the development of social enterprise, the role of organisations in the environmental field, and the mapping and analysis of smaller community organisations operating ‘below-the-radar’. Third sector policy has now been devolved to the separate administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and research includes analysis of the impact of this devolution. TSRC also employs a Knowledge Exchange Team to ensure that its work has a direct impact on policy and practice.

Qualitative, in-depth (semi-structured) interviews with: (1) sector ‘experts’ and key individuals from national organisations and practice networks interviewed October 2012-May 2013; (2) third sector organisations providing adult social care services in the South East, South West and West Midlands interviewed Oct 2012 – May 2013; (2) adult social care commissioners from 6 local authorities (total) from the South East, South West and West Midlands interviewed November 2012- April 2013. Purposive sampling method adopted for all interviews, utilising snow-balling techniques where necessary to identify relevant individuals and organisations. Key criteria for selection included: (Sector ‘experts’): strategic overview and knowledge/experience of impact measurement practice amongst TSOs. (Commissioners and TSOs): knowledge and experience of commissioning and service delivery, and ways of performance and impact monitoring, in the area of adult social care (as the service area under investigation).

Metadata Access
Creator Arvidson, M, University of Birmingham; Alcock, P, University of Birmingham; Mohan, J, University of Birmingham
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2015
Funding Reference ESRC
Rights Third Sector Research Centre; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom