Collection of air quality (and meteorological) measurement data at station Shangdianzi (SDZ54421), China.
These data were provided by Prof.Dr. Xiaobin Xu of Key Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry (KLAC), Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), China Meteorological Administration (CMA) in the context of the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR).
For further information about TOAR see
An uptodate record of this data collection can be found in the TOAR database at (not yet implemented)
The data contained in this collection are formatted as csv files with variable header information. Each header line begins with # and contains key: value metadata elements.
The data files in this collection were generated by TOAR database queries. For details, see technical information provided with each single station series.
TOAR timeseries of ground-level ozone at station Shangdianzi (SDZ54421), China,