We are proposing 4 days of beamtime on LET or 8 days on IRIS [using PG(004) reflection] to complete the experiment on a water/polyamide system which was started in 2013. Polyamide is a surface material of reverse osmotic membranes currently used for desalination and waste-water reclamation. The previous QENS data revealed that there are basically two kinds of relaxations; the faster one may be for ¿free¿ (but confined and not bulk) water and the slower one for polyamide and water strongly bound by polyamide. However, there are some ambiguous points owing to the limited dynamic range of IRIS PG(002). In this continuation experiment, we propose to measure relatively faster time region (1ps¿0.1ns) using LET or IRIS at PG(004) mode. These data, combined with the previous data, will enable us to analyze the dynamics of the system more precisely and comprehensively.