The present dataset is a comprehensive earthquake catalogue for the Northern Chile subduction zone forearc, determined from IPOC seismic station data (GFZ and CNRS-INSU 2006; plus some auxiliary stations (IPOC = Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile; The method of automatized earthquake catalogue retrieval, the different relocation steps as well as the different earthquake class labels and the structures outlined by the seismicity are described in detail in Sippl et al. (2018). Unlike the catalogue that is supplied as a supplementary file with said paper, this record here will grow over the years, i.e. data from additional years beyond 2014, processed in the same way, will be added.
The columns of the data files are:year, month, day, hour, minute, second, latitude [dec. degrees], longitude [dec. degrees], depth [km], magnitude [ML], identifier
The identifier term provides a first-order spatial classification of the seismicity, an explanation is given in Table 1 of Sippl et al. (2018).