Data for Hydrogen Spillover through Hydride Transfer: The Reaction of ZnO and ZrO2 with Strong Hydride Donors


The data set contains TEM images, XAS data, EPR data, MAS NMR data and NMR data of zinc oxide and zirconium oxide samples before and after treatment with molecular metal hydrides.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Benz, Michael
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Benz, Michael; Estes, Deven P.
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 99034911
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Benz, Michael (Universität Stuttgart); Estes, Deven P. (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/x-pkcs7-certificates; text/tab-separated-values; application/pdf; application/vnd.publishare-delta-tree; image/tiff; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/plain; text/x-matlab; text/xml; image/png; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Size 339; 4096; 358; 8192; 349; 351; 360; 262144; 65536; 56842; 141180; 47919; 47915; 47845; 47797; 47869; 56750; 47849; 47834; 47716; 286653; 29066; 287534; 29067; 12600264; 2184318; 2184538; 12604020; 3166578; 12604014; 861240; 861462; 12603994; 1222176; 1222404; 12603996; 12603992; 7516128; 7516350; 816662; 816880; 2102610; 2102842; 359; 350; 356; 347; 7708; 7711; 7710; 8022; 8020; 7709; 8021; 8129; 8130; 7889; 7888; 8127; 8128; 7883; 7890; 7887; 528; 379; 628; 578; 646; 637; 1162; 1160; 4160; 2615; 3059; 2618; 2691; 2312; 6718; 1849; 2311; 2616; 2617; 3524; 3528; 3946; 2310; 3947; 3736; 2614; 3526; 4366; 78; 80; 2870; 2052; 1519; 3127; 2555; 1855; 1608; 2821; 1974; 1636; 997; 240508; 239748; 239521; 239842; 1637; 232578; 396992; 236062; 236520; 236005; 236123; 235860; 236025; 235862; 235168; 235834; 235311; 234771; 234520; 234353; 234090; 234307; 234387; 234140; 233994; 233184; 233970; 231370; 232575; 231830; 232950; 232124; 231041; 230887; 230218; 229766; 228056; 238029; 238248; 238106; 238019; 238365; 236808; 237555; 238426; 238198; 231283; 232543; 235224; 235711; 1316; 242980; 242170; 242651; 241042; 32768; 2146; 2206; 5134; 4621; 241; 239; 240; 243; 288; 200; 201; 44; 65; 250; 202; 10; 477; 494; 493; 1302; 3230; 1517; 705; 18782; 24082; 4996; 17134; 4123; 3366; 22223; 3101; 20523; 20450; 24400; 19359; 197; 196; 688; 325; 840; 5744; 8064; 5904; 7856; 5392; 656; 352; 1360; 48; 6048; 16; 7152; 8208; 160; 2300; 2302; 1971; 2299; 2099; 1982; 1973; 1976; 2301; 1983; 2303; 1972; 2309; 2128; 1985; 2305; 2127; 2308; 2122; 2307; 2129; 2126; 2130; 0; 1769; 989; 635; 618; 634; 1527; 1749; 3123; 3108; 3124; 2059; 2262; 2358; 1631; 1568; 2057; 2463; 2196; 2326; 2125; 10240; 24; 26; 56; 27; 63; 23; 25; 62; 57; 61; 60; 5236; 4531; 4533; 22664; 25470; 100; 1350; 1441; 2909472; 396637; 394781; 395941; 323755; 323959; 324442; 324318; 2909250; 947962; 947734; 10460; 10348; 967; 816884; 816664; 239668; 241563; 242733; 243070; 242790; 241562; 241909; 242164; 1119504; 1119280; 10450; 10441; 993
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Engineering Sciences; Natural Sciences; Process Engineering, Technical Chemistry; Technical Chemistry; Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering