Regression coefficients of parametrisation of natural atmospheric variability as function of distance and time separation for the atmospheric trace gases: BrO, BrONO$2$, CH$_3$CL, HNO$_3$, N$_2$O$_5$, CCl$_4$, CFC${11}$, CFC${113}$, CFC${12}$, CH$_4$, ClO, ClONO$_2$, CO, CO$_2$, H$_2$O, HBr, HCl, HF, HNO$_4$, HO$_2$, HOBr, HOCl,, N$_2$O, NO, NO$_2$, NO$_3$, O$_3$, OH, and temperature, calculated on BASCOE model data for ESA VACUUM'R Project.
Name of the file indicates if the coefficients stored are for natural variability as function of time or distance. The variability is expressed in percents. The coefficients are given in 18 latitude bands, from 90S to 90N, each of 10 degrees large, and for 71 altitudes, from 0 to 71 km.