Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
Using representative surveys of the entire population, this research project analysed the similarities and differences between Soviet and Russian household behaviour in the informal economy during 1996-1999. The research was based primarily on unpublished archive material - Soviet family budget surveys - for the Soviet period, and regular Russian household/ adult surveys for the post-Soviet period. In particular, the project estimated and compared the size, dynamics and determinants of household behaviour in the informal economy in the two periods, and also assessed the impact of household informal economy activities on the Soviet or current Russian economy. The continuous Soviet annual family budget survey (FBS), covering the entire population of the USSR was conducted from the early 1950s onwards under the auspices of the Soviet Central Statistical Administration. Comprehensive and detailed summary results of annual data from the family budget surveys of Soviet households aggregated by types of heads of households such as workers and state employees and collective farm workers are kept in three Russian archives. This dataset was created using some of the results from the FBS.
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Data are aggregated by types of heads of households (or social classes in Russian terminology), and include 35 income variables, 62 expenditure-related variables and nine savings-related variables. Each variable on the income side shows the sources of income (the state, collective farms, and other people) and each variable on the expenditure side shows to whom payment was made (the state sector, collective farms, or other people). In total, eight data files have been created: Russian workers and state employees' families (1969-1990), Russian collective farm ('kolkhoz') workers' families (1969-1990), Russian pure pensioners' families who retired from jobs relating to workers and state employees (1977-1990), Russian pure pensioners' families who retired from jobs relating to collective farms (1977-1990), Russian state farms ('sovkhoz') workers' families (1977-1990), Average family in the Soviet Union as a whole (1979-1990), Soviet workers and state employees' families (1969-1990), Soviet collective farm workers' families (1969-1990).
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Transcription of existing materials