URu2Si2 has been examined intensively over the decades for the rich phase diagram including superconductivity, Hidden Order and multiple magnetic phases appearing around the quantum critical point (QCP). Despite its uniqueness, the QCP is located around a magnetic field of 35 T and neutron diffraction was impossible. Recently we conducted a neutron diffraction up to 40 T at ILL and found that the high field phase is likely incommensurate spin density wave(SDW). However, it is also noticed that the SDW state is inconsistent with the NMR. If there is a multiple-q state, two results can be compatible. Because only a few points of the reciprocal space can be measured in the pulsed field diffraction with a reactor source, it is essential to use a white neutron Laue diffraction method to examine wide area of the reciprocal space and to finalize the magnetic model of URu2Si2.