Be My Baby


Abstract: In the 2014 film “Be My Baby,” director Christina Schiewe tells the story of Nicole, a self-confident young woman with Down syndrome who wants to become a mother.

Details: 18-year-old Nicole lives with her mother, Monique. Nicole’s mother attends university and works part-time as a cashier to earn enough money. Nicole’s grandmother supports Monique financially and occasionally watches Nicole while Monique goes to work. Nicole works at the vocational school for people with disabilities. At the university, Monique attends a lecture by faculty member Dr. Olaf Schnier. Olaf and Monique also meet privately outside the university and start a love affair. Contrary to what her mother assumes, Nicole has sexual needs. Her sexual interest becomes evident in various situations. For example, Nicole is interested in a brochure with sexual content at work or throws air kisses to her supposed steady boyfriend and work colleague, Mani. In addition, Nicole also wants to start a family of her own, ideally with the boy next door, Nick, who she is in love with. On the way to work, Nicole sees a woman on the bus with her, increasing Nicole’s desire to have a family. However, her mother thinks this a bad idea, as she continues to see Nicole as a child and not as a woman. Moreover, her grandmother wants to go one step further and sterilize Nicole. Nick, who has known Nicole for a long time, is just 15 years old and is currently studying for his high school diploma. He is an outsider and under constant pressure to please everyone, especially his father and friends. Nicole sees something special in Nick and gives him the affection and unconditional love he needs. Eventually, they sleep together, and Nicole gets pregnant accidentally. The pregnancy is first noticed when Nicole vomits several times for no supposed reason, and Monique takes her to the doctor. Surprised by this, Monique confronts Nicole in the presence of Nicole’s grandmother and demands to know the baby’s father. Nicole admits that the father is Nick. Nick does not want to know about Nicole’s pregnancy and denies being the father. But one thing is certain for Nicole: she wants to keep the baby and thus fights for her right to self-determination. While everyone is in favour of abortion, Nicole goes on a hunger strike until Nick stands by her and accepts his paternity. Nicole eventually gives birth to a healthy child, warmly welcomed by both families, including Nicole’s grandmother and Nick’s family.

Metadata Access
Creator Christina Schiewe
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SoledadPereyra(at)
Publication Year 2023
Rights Zum Goldenen Lamm; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language German
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 386 Bytes
Version 2023-12-15T13:37:56.182+01:00
Discipline Humanities