RV METEOR cruise M134/1 took place between 16.01.2017 and 18.02.2017 around South Georgia. Its main objective was to investigate emissions of free gas from cross‐shelf troughs of South Georgia, their distribution, quantification, and sources for methane ebullition sites in sub‐Antarctic waters. Another objective was the mapping of the glacial bathymetry on the shelf. In total eight cross-shelf troughs were mapped and more than 1,600 gas emission sites were detected by acoustic anomalies in the water column. Furthermore, 21 gravity cores and 14 multicorers have been taken to study biogeochemistry of sediments as well as several water samples to study the methane distribution and the iron concentration in the water column. CI Citation: Paul Wintersteller (seafloor-imaging@marum.de) as responsible party for data ingest and approval. Chief Scientist: G. Bohrmann (gbohrmann@marum.de) CR: https://elib.suub.uni-bremen.de/edocs/00106081-1.pdf CSR: http://www.bsh.de/aktdat/dod/fahrtergebnis/2017/20170002.htm