Factors Influencing Choice of Higher Education; Technical College Full-Time `A' Level Students


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors which influence young people in their demand for higher education in its various forms - at universities, colleges of education (teacher training colleges), polytechnics and colleges of further education. Six of these eight surveys are the main study which was carried out on (a) the schools and the fifth-formers and the sixth-formers in them, and (b) the colleges of further education and their home students studying A' level subjects full-time. The material from the young people includes that given by them at two stages, first from the main survey which took place before they sat GCE examinations and before the results of higher education applications were available and secondly, from the follow-up survey after the results of the GCE examinations were known and the young people already embarked on courses the following session. For the fifth and sixth-form surveys (67001, 67002 and 68005) there is also incorporated the form teachers' broad assessment of ability (three categories) examination prospects and higher education and career aspirations. For the schools the main survey was carried out in the Spring term 1967 with the follow-up in the autumn. The equivalent dates in the colleges of further education were May 1967 and January 1968. (The remaining two surveys are subsidiary to the project; 66023 is the pilot stage of the main survey part of 68004, i.e. home students studyingA' levels full-time in the further education colleges, whilst 67005 (fifth-formers in the fast stream in schools) comprises a sub-set of material from the main fifth-form survey for an enlarged sample of those pupils in schools with fast streams). The six surveys in the main study are interlinked with information from the school or college complementing that from the pupil or student. In addition there is standardisation - as far as was practicable - between sections of the questionnaire used for the fifth-formers, lower and upper sixth-formers and students in further education (e.g. general background). The contents of the questionnaire for the upper sixth-formers and further education students corresponded particularly closely. Copies of all reports on the surveys are in the Library of the Royal Statistical Society. Mainly they deal with specific aspects of the data e.g. 'Subject commitments and the demand for higher education', G. A. Barnard and M. D. McCreath (1970) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (General) 133 (3) 358 - 408, 'Report of the surveys of full-time 'A' level students (home) in colleges of further education', by M. D. McCreath (1970). All the material which is available is listed in the most recent report written in 1972, Factors influencing choice of higher education: surveys carried out by Margaret D McCreath under the direction of Professor G A Barnard, Department of Mathematics, University of Essex. This 1972 report includes data from both the school and further education surveys. The extensive tables are based on the following variables: social class, expectations about leaving school and reasons for doing so, source of the most useful discussion on what to do after school, family experience of higher education, O' andA' level attempts and passes, knowledge of higher education entry requirements and with whom these were discussed, as well as intended and actual destinations in higher education. The technical note on the sample design by Judith Doherty was published in 1970 as Appendix 1 of Volume 1 of the Schools Council Sixth-Form Survey, Sixth-Form Pupils and Teachers. Details of the response rates are given in the 1972 report mentioned above.

Main Topics:

Variables A follow-up survey of respondents who expected to complete that year all the 'A' level subjects at which they were aiming. Includes actual examination results and effect this had on plans. As for SN:67002. In addition: educational background data are given, such as, number of years at school; type of school last attended; when left; subjects studied at school and examinations taken; whether school has a sixth-form; whether respondent came straight to college from school; 'O' levels passed at either school or college; reasons for taking 'A' levels; how choice of 'A' level subjects was reached; reasons for doing 'A' levels at a college. Information about plans after 'A' levels reads as for SN:67002 (section on 'after-school plans'). Additional information includes the type of 'A' level course being taken (i.e. 1 year, 2 year etc.), subjective estimation of time it will take to gain these 'A' levels, plus a record of subjects taken or to be taken (including grades achieved in previous examination attempts).

1 in 2 of the students (i.e. birthdays on odd dates) in the Colleges of Further Education covered by SN:67003

Postal survey

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-68004-1
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=6a44160cf34ec5564e11c50399cef6d181f60928f4a8a8ccd6c534dadbe80239
Creator McCreath, M. D., University of Essex, Department of Mathematics
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 1973
Funding Reference University of Essex; Royal Statistical Society; Department of Education and Science
Rights No information recorded; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="https://ukdataservice.ac.uk/app/uploads/cd137-enduserlicence.pdf" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage England and Wales