Includes the code and research results used to generate all figures in the article "Stabilization of symmetry-protected long-range entanglement in stochastic quantum circuits".Specifically, the Aaronson-Gottesman algorithm is used to simulate stochastic quantum circuits in one and two dimensions (1D periodic chain, 2D square lattice, and 2D Lieb lattice). The objective is to prepare long-range entangled quantum states (GHZ states) and assess the time needed for their preparation, as well as mitigate potential errors and cut down the prep time, if possible. We also provide a version of the code, where the unitary gates in the quantum circuit do not commute, which leads to the emergence of a measurement-induced entanglement transition.The programs (found in the "codes" folder) are written in C++ and can be used to generate all the results (found in the "results" folder). Compilation and running are described in the README.txt file.