Real-time definition of single seed placement sensitivity in low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy [code and patient data]


PURPOSE: In low-dose-rate brachytherapy iodine seeds are implanted based on a treatment plan, generated with respect to different dose constraints. The quality of the dose distribution depends on a precise seed placement, however, it is not clear which seed misplacements have a large impact. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We developed a method using automatic differentiation to calculate gradients of dose parameters with regard to the seeds' positions. Thus, we understand their sensitivity with respect to the seed placement. A statistical analysis is performed on a data set with 35 prostate brachytherapy patients. RESULTS: The most sensitive seeds regarding the dosimetric parameters of both rectum and urethra are close to the corresponding organ. Their gradient directions are mainly orthogonal to their surfaces. However, not all seeds close to the surface are equally sensitive with regard to the dose parameter. The most sensitive seeds regarding the prostate's dose parameters are distributed throughout the prostate and the direction of the gradients are mainly parallel to its surface. A linear regression with respect to different patient parameters shows that dose constraints which are barely fulfilled have large gradients and thus are additionally sensitive to misplacement. CONCLUSION: Automatic differentiation can be used to analyze dose parameter sensitivity with respect to seed placement. Integrating this into treatment planning systems is valuable as it speeds up the planning procedure, making it more robust and less dependent on user experience while showing the operating physician which needle placements require greater accuracy than others.

VariSeed™ LDR treatment planning system, 9

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Jerg, Katharina ORCID logo
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Jerg, Katharina; Felix Momm; Jürgen W. Hesser; Ernest Chukwudi N. Okonkwo; Radiotherapy Optimization, Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology, German Cancer Research Center DKFZ in Heidelberg.; heiDATA: Heidelberg Research Data Repository
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Jerg, Katharina (Heidelberg University, MIISM, Data Analysis and Modeling in Medicine)
Resource Type DICOM; Dataset
Format application/zip; text/plain
Size 83645901; 232156732; 5441
Version 1.1
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine
Spatial Coverage Ortenau Klinikum Offenburg-Kehl, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology, Weingartenstraße 70, 77654 Offenburg, Germany