An intriguing phase transition has been observed at T0 = 27.3 K in the Kondo-insulator compound CeRu2Al10. Whereas long-range magnetic order does exist below T0, there is strong evidence that the transition cannot be explained in terms of standard AF exchange interactions alone. Further insight into this elusive phenomenon can be gained by varying the number of d electrons on the transition-metal sites. Bulk magnetic measurements have shown that a low concentration of Rh substituted for Ru can restores a more conventional magnetic behavior. The effect on the excitation spectrum must now be studied. Single crystals of this material have been produced, and preliminary experiments performed on the thermal-beam triple-axis spectrometer 2T at LLB. The INS signal is much weaker than in pure CeRu2Al10, despite the factor of two larger AF ordered moment. Measurements with the higher neutron flux of IN8 are needed to study the magnon dispersion with better accuracy.The results are to be used as a check of RPA magnon calculations applied previously to pure CeRu2Al10.