Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The purpose of this study was to examine the educational field's voting intentions at the October 10th General Election and their attitudes to a number of educational issues. In addition, it was decided to re-interview those asked about their voting intentions immediately after the election to determine how they actually voted.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions There were three types of questionnaire: 1. University lecturers, polytechnic lecturers and post-graduate students 2. College of education/further education lecturers 3. Secondary/primary school teachers Issues covered in all three: Years of teaching experience, voting intention, political support and previous voting pattern, opinion of a Coalition Government. Educational issues: role of parents, statutory incomes policy, elimination of grammar schools, direct payment of education staff by central government, raising the school leaving age. Questions asked only in: 1. Faculty/subject(s) taught/studied, occupational grade, opinion on control of universities/polytechnics by an oligarchy (professionals and heads of departments). 2. Faculty/subject(s) taught/studied, occupational grade. 3. Subject taught, occupational grade. Background Variables Age, sex, type of institution.
Systematic (first stage), quota (second stage)
Face-to-face interview