Wroclaw Corpus of Consumer Reviews is a corpus of Polish reviews annotated with sentiment at the level of the whole text (text) and at the level of sentences (sentence) for the following domains: hotels, medicine, products and university (reviews). Sentences are annotated with sentiment only for hotels and medicine. Each sentence file contains a single sentence with a sentiment __label__z_X and each text file contains a single review with a sentiment __label__meta_X. Regardless a resource type, X can be: minus_m -- strong negative; minus_s -- weak negative, zero -- neutral, amb -- ambiguous, plus_s -- weak positive, plus_m -- strong positive. all* sets are groups of all domains within each text/sentence type. Train/dev/test divisions were used for the evaluation. Results are available in the following paper:
Title = {{Multi-level analysis and recognition of the text sentiment on the example of consumer opinions}},
Author = {Koco{\'n}, Jan and Zaśko-Zielińska, Monika and Miłkowski, Piotr},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2019},
Year = {2019},
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