To explore research participants’ views on the impacts of research involvement, specifically for research that has been led by NMAHPP healthcare professionals. NMAHPP - nursing, midwifery, allied health professions, pharmacy and psychology. 21 current and previous research participants/patient research advisory group members who are/have been involved in UK research led by NMAHPPs. 17 anonymised interview transcripts and the data arranged according to the 18 primary codes. 4 participants did not give permission to share their data with other researchers and these have not been included.DESIGN: Qualitative interview study AIMS: To explore research participants’ views on the impacts of research involvement, specifically for research that has been led by NMAHPP healthcare professionals. NMAHPP - nursing, midwifery, allied health professions, pharmacy and psychology ANALYSIS METHOD: Thematic analysis POPULATION: Current and previous research participants/patient research advisory group members who are/have been involved in research led by NMAHPP healthcare professionals ELIGIBILITY: Research involvement in past 3 years START DATE: 01/11/2021 END DATE: 19/07/2022 FUNDER: NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Imperial Health Charity
Qualitative 1:1 semi-structured interviews. Audio recorded and transcribed verbatim.