Episode 7: Jasper belandt een nacht in de cel


Abstract: Jasper and Spijker arrive at Kosovo´s Hospital, and Roman and Lode find them. Roman and Jasper must testify to the police, who believe that Jasper is part of a mafia. Andy pretends to sign a contract with the German businessmen for the absolute automation of the packing area before Roman arrives in Vosselaar. Jasper and Roman find Tina and Katarina, and Jasper decides to stay in Kosovo for a while. Details: The man that Jasper finds on the road decides to help both friends and brings them in his car boot through a secret path. They illegally pass the frontier and go to the Hospital of Kosovo. Lode and Roman arrive at the official border control in Kosovo, but there is a long waiting queue. They recognize the signal of the golden truffle in Kosovo’s Hospital, and they begin to worry. When Jasper and Spijker arrive at the Hospital, the doctors take Spijker to a private room for treatment, and the Hospital's administrative staff notify the police that Jasper and Spijker do not have a passport. Spijker gets better, and when he wakes up, he has to say goodbye to Jasper, who must go for police questioning. In Vosselaar, Andy is complaining about how Rachel appropriated the meeting with the German businessmen. His grandfather reveals to him that in 1982, when Roman´s sister Indra died, he obtained legal permission to make decisions and sign documents related to the management of Tytgat Chocolat. This permission was not reversed, and this fact enables Andy to access executive decision-making as long as the executive director is absent. Lately, Andy and his grandfather have dinner with Mr. Müller and his business partner, and Andy proposes that they sign the needed documents for the automatization of the packing area. However, Mr. Müller states that they prefer to draw up a contract in Stuttgart and come back in two days for signing.

In the police station, Jasper is being interrogated by two policemen, but the communication is not good due to a lack of understanding of Jasper´s language. At this moment, Roman shows up there with a translator. In the beginning, the policemen think that Jasper is part of a mafia, but Roman explains that he is only a worker in his factory, and Jasper starts to recreate all the true stories that got them to Kosovo. After a long questioning and obtaining an X-ray of Spijker proving that the gold truffle is still inside him, the policemen decide that they have to find Tina. Nevertheless, due to the fact that Jasper and Spijker are illegally in the country, they all have to leave it. Back at the Tytgat Chocolat factory, Andy is preparing a public event to announce the modifications in the firm. He asks Marieke, Roman´s secretary, not to be on the day of the event since she is a distraction for him. Marieke gets really angry with that and tells him that he is only a pathetic little man. After that, she goes to Rachel's house and explains to her that she wants to resign from her job, but Rachel encourages her to stay. Marieke explains to Rachel Andy´s plan and the use that he is making of the permission of 1982 to decide by himself the future of Tytgat Chocolat. Immediately after that, Rachel calls Roman and alerts him about the plan of his nephew and asks him to be back in Vosselaar as soon as possible.

Roman and Jasper meet Lode and Spijker outside the police station. Jasper establishes that he is not leaving Kosovo without finding Tina, and suddenly, the translator shows up and informs Roman that he should go back inside: the Police have some news about Tina´s current status. The police officers say that Tina and Katarina appear as dead people. The death was registered two weeks ago, a fact that confuses Roman and Jasper. They go out to the police station again, but before they leave in the caravan, Jasper hears a group of children singing the same song that Tina taught him when they met for the first time. Jasper starts following them, and Roman, who sees that Jasper is walking away, ignoring his calls, goes after him. The children arrive at one school. Jasper recognizes it because it coincides with one that Tina once showed him in a photograph. Jasper and Roman decide to enter the school, and they ask a teacher about Tina. The teacher accompanies Jasper and Roman to an archive of yearbooks, and they look together for her. Jasper recognises Tina in a photo, but she has another name: Sani. After that, Jasper and Roman explain to the teacher that they are looking for two deported women, and the teacher tells them that he knows a place for returning people, a temporary shelter place. The teacher brings them to a building in a peripheral area. The three start looking for Tina and Katarina, but they do not find them. Before giving up the search, Jasper sees that a group of children are playing with a Tytgat Chocolat box of truffles and alerts Roman and the teacher. One of the children brings them to the house of the person who gave it to them. There, they know an old woman who tells them that she has a lot of these boxes because her daughter sends money from Belgium through them. When they are talking, Tina appears behind them, runs to Jasper, and hugs him. Then Katarina arrives and sees them: “My name here is Monica, and Tina is Sani”, she says.

Monica prepares a party to celebrate the re-encounter, and Spijker and Lode arrive there. Katarina tells Lode that she and her daughter were living in the previous years with a false identity of two people who died in the Kosovo War. Jasper gives Sani the golden truffle, and Roman promises her the prize. The celebration goes on, and suddenly, Raoul arrives with the police at the party, and he and his son meet again. After the party, Roman has to arrive as soon as possible in Vosselaar in order to avoid Andy signing the contract with the German businessmen. Lode suggests that they could go back by plane in order to shorten the time. Spijker, Roman, and Lode go to the airport. Lode asks Roman if they could form an executive team in the company. Roman is pleased with his brother´s proposal. When both brothers arrive at the factory, Andy and his grandfather are in the middle of a meeting with the German businessmen. Roman and Lode break into the meeting, and they sit at the negotiating table in front of Andy´s astonished view. Andy gets nervous and goes out of the room. After the meeting with the German businessmen, Roman goes with the journalist, who was also in the factory, to respond honestly to some questions about the golden truffle contest and Jasper´s journey.

Jasper stays in Kosovo with Sani and his family. There, he has a conversation with Raoul in which his father says that he and his mother want to give Jasper more freedom and self-determination in his life. Jasper expresses his desire to live with Sani, and he establishes that he would live in Kosovo for half the year and the other half in Belgium with his parents. A photo of Tina and Jasper is posted on the hall TV of Tytgat Chocolat.

DOI https://doi.org/10.20375/0000-0011-496E-1
Metadata Access https://repository.de.dariah.eu/1.0/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=hdl:21.11113/0000-0011-496E-1
Creator Filip Lenaerts; Marc Bryssinck
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SoledadPereyra(at)dariah.eu
Publication Year 2023
Rights deMENSEN; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 386 Bytes
Version 2023-12-15T13:38:52.228+01:00
Discipline Humanities