Data for the PhD of Rosa Groen: 'Walking the extra mile'. An exploration of successes and failures of governance networks attracting IOs to Geneva, The Hague, Vienna and Copenhagen


These data sets are collected in the context of a PhD-thesis with the main purpose of exploring the successes and failures of small to medium-sized cities attracting International Organizations (IOs): Geneva, The Hague, Vienna, and Copenhagen.The population in this study exists of policy networks dealing with retaining IOs, project groups/organizational networks attracting IOs and International representatives. The total population is N=198.Policy networks (N=84)Organizational networks success cases (N=32)Organizational networks failed cases (N=23)International representatives (N=59)

Issued: 2021-06-16

Metadata Access
Creator RS Groen (ORCID: 0000-0003-1700-510X)
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor R.S. Groen; RS Groen (Leiden University)
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact R.S. Groen (Leiden University)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf; text/comma-separated-values; application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet; text/csv; application/rtf; application/zip; image/jpeg
Size 34778; 157738; 75301; 46432; 106787; 162120; 89231; 122670; 38863; 87599; 53648; 264706; 139740; 2551; 250780; 250834; 242065; 145695; 97408; 116232; 107100; 106398; 78860; 85249; 228672; 22507; 71301; 5804; 201593; 193342; 149954; 181142; 82285; 56042; 60171; 84391; 55105; 91871; 52853; 69347; 57216; 56552; 30604; 72860; 56281; 49429; 17337; 71727; 86694; 169312; 182143; 72487; 80559; 18652; 88503; 51367; 62021; 76497; 34419; 63878; 5452; 149804; 82927; 90605; 55331; 90447; 54922; 39015; 51263; 73509; 131726; 80842; 78364; 73630; 101546; 16560; 2414; 57754; 125418; 61185; 72970; 97666; 41367; 91845; 434008; 28238; 55935; 194193; 62804; 333859; 62790; 42996; 70643; 63365; 109560; 88304; 73074; 60580; 51233; 95411; 59556; 185360; 80536; 59167; 70577; 82177; 238109; 100540; 99373; 26604; 90015; 69936; 43759; 38393; 73914; 81797; 73011; 46786; 107514; 62205; 66634; 78275; 106827; 31270; 36479; 36212; 74902; 17498; 58212; 70603; 78553; 2447; 88588; 93054; 80015; 105833; 75554; 57526; 73810; 45043; 69072; 69176; 69273; 3169; 62575; 67095; 67111; 73298; 97899; 97954; 1376423; 76301; 102370; 36839; 65005; 93309; 93342; 43934; 40786; 49992; 110986; 107820; 136654; 148689; 175490; 77985; 73014; 53562; 110707; 137422; 70097; 1622; 18319; 233874; 56735; 133933; 95923; 77972; 21360; 68195; 21453; 175090; 174821; 209587; 2788; 313186; 53310; 137163; 67672; 131426; 152740; 131244; 112278; 207001; 81359; 115042; 157422; 580927; 11917; 14314; 22862; 24196; 4781317; 3922876; 987170; 1742966; 6361939; 15415; 823233; 2103162; 252249; 239594; 207687; 277191; 256818
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Design; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences